Friday, January 31, 2025

Destination 1.30.2025

     We consider all the details before us. We go as deep as we possibly can. We maintain a constant direction to our destination. Now we ask a final lingering question. Where are we going? What is our destination?

    In the Christian life everyone responds, “Heaven, I hope.” And in a sense that is not inaccurate. However, destination can refer to more than a place. It can have an internal reference as well as an external reference. It might perhaps, be better to describe our destination as Jesus. He is of course the way, the truth, and the life. Consequently, becoming like Jesus is where we should all be headed. Christlikeness is our destination. This is not the only destination and for preachers, teachers, and Church leaders there are other aspects to our journey which have tangible, desirable outcomes—destinations. 

    Each Sunday a Sunday school teacher will end up in a classroom. A Bible Study leader will end up in similar classroom setting or perhaps in someone’s home. And the preacher will wind up in the pulpit before the assembled congregation. The physical location may change drastically or subtly but the destination is largely the same. Our desire should be to arrive before God’s people with a well-prepared Biblical message we are ready to deliver in a persuasive and articulate fashion. Anything less is not deep enough and demonstrates that we have neglected the details of prayerful, detailed preparation.  When we stop short of the destination, we shortchange God’s people, risk their growth, and presume that the God who has gifted us will be satisfied with our negligence. 

    Like Paul, our goal should be to press on to that upward calling, without limiting that goal solely to the end of our faith-journey. Today each of us either arrives at the perfect destination for this day or we do not. There may be external factors or internal issues which slow us down or encumber us on the journey. Every day we have the goal of becoming like Jesus, using the gifts He has provided, and following the trail He has blazed. Let’s get going, shall we?


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